Volunteer Opportunities

There’s a new tool to volunteer with us!

We are using a new volunteer platform called POINT. It’s easy and will allow you to quickly choose sessions to sign up for.

Ready to volunteer? Choose a session below. You can also access them on the Point app in the App Store or Google Play.

Want to volunteer, but don’t see a session that you can attend? Fill out this form to receive weekly volunteer emails.

Session Calendar:

Need to cancel a registration? Log into dash.pointapp.org, go to My Registrations, click on the event, and hit Cancel.

Key Things to Know

  • Youth volunteers (under 18): Willing Hands Gleaners are invited onto working farms; our current policy is that Gleaning volunteers must be 14 years of age and older with some select sites permitting younger helpers. The Willing Hands Gardens are great spots where we can welcome younger volunteers (age 6+) who are accompanied by a responsible adult volunteer. Any minor children wishing to volunteer must have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian – email volunteer@willinghands.org to get the waiver link for children. You must be at least 13 years old to make your own Point account and sign up for sessions.
  • Group volunteer opportunities: Organized groups, such as corporate teams and school groups, are welcome and encouraged to join us. To inquire and schedule a volunteer session, please email volunteer@willinghands.org.
  • Gleaning vs Gardening- what’s the difference? Simply put, gleaning is where we go to local partner farms and orchards to harvest surplus produce. Sessions are typically 1.5 hrs. Gardening sessions are at plots that Willing Hands tends. We plant, weed (and weed some more!), fertilize, harvest, wash and box up thousands of pounds of vegetables. Sessions are typically 2 hrs. Click here for more information about our volunteer programs.
  • If you have any other questions, please read our FAQs or email volunteer@willinghands.org. For gleaning specific questions, please email Alec at gleaning@willinghands.org. For garden specific questions, please email Mikey at garden@willinghands.org.

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